About ethic
This software had been written by professionals who hope that their work will satisfy you. At many times, you will be incited to pay it if you have a regular use. However, NO hidden information will be never transmitted by Internet even in case of abuse by dishonest customers.
Programmeurs Reunis may be translated as Developpers Union.
Software authors : Daniel+Igael AZOULAY, Programmeurs Réunis 20 quai de la Marne 75019 Paris FRANCE. Copyright 97-98 AZOULAY all rights reserved
Thank you for your emails about english syntax.
This software can be bought on line here and on the www.windows95.com site.
What is AblyFTP ?
AblyFTP is an Internet Uploader that supports now only the FTP protocol.
NOTE : AblyFTP is an uploader who can download specified import-files from a Web Site or from any FTP file on a public site. However, upload is MORE DIFFICULT than download and AblyFTP is featured to make site managing more automated. In fact, it requires some concentration only when setting the entry parameters. You can consider that it is a permanent upgraded professionnal tool. Beta versions run on Mac and Linux, with inter-binary compatibility files formats. The software, available in English and French, is being translated in Arabic, German, Hebrew, Spanish and Japanese.
Programmers, ask about the OPEP interface to write transparent images and texts editors with no care of FTP ( or Internet ).
Take advantage from variables subtitution and shortcuts shared files and folders. Use many functions of the AblyFTP 3.0 dll, not yet available in this version, like graphical logical site structure, automated submission to search engines or to any http registration, printed reports and mirroring automation. It is free for an elligible project, with help and samples.
AblyFTP had been tested with more than 20000 files on a 64 Mo PC, but may be used TOO as a dumb uploader or to get a selection of downloads.
AblyFTPÆs features include:
* Generation of a ROBOTS.TXT file for each Web entry and sub-entry
* Multiple import-file mode : replacing, appending, completing, erase after
* Local FTP EMULATION to do off-line tests for tutoring or CD building
* In line variables substitution ( POWERFULLLLLLLLL !! )
* Complete Windows 95 shortcuts management to share folders and files between sites
* Sub-Entries, which allow the user to have different settings for one login
* Support for use from the command line
* Easy main access to AblyFTP features through a button bar
* Colours can be customized
* All the messages can be copied and pasted
System Requirements
AblyFTP requires :
* a minimum of a Intel 486 based machine with 16 megabytes of RAM or Cache Disk . It had not been tested on 8 Mo PC.
* the Windows 95 operating system, with an Internet browser. Installing Explorer 4 of MS is the best way to ensure perfect installation of the Internet dll. ( NT and NT-Server-Mirror versions exist )
* 2 MB of disk space for software installation
* 64 Ko to 2 Mo of disk space for each Ftp entry.
There is no limit to the number of files, but first drawing sub-folders with more than 2000 files is slow ( 7 seconds on a P200 ). We work on a solution.
You have to know
Thoses help pages assume that you are already familiar with Microsoft Windows 95 and its files Explorer. You know well that the Web is an enormous folder of folders and that you need to use a protocol specified by the host to update your own Web folder. AblyFTP uses FTP.
First, you must be sure to have a FTP account. To use one, called here an entry, you need at least three informations : a FTP url , a login and a password.
You must be familiar too with mirroring. The samplest way to maintain your web folder is to build on your hard disk a folder who will contain all the files you want to publish and to use relative-only links to call site pages.
This folder is locally surfable. When it is ready after modification, AblyFTP will 'copy' the local folder on the Web, using FTP channels and protocol. This means that only modified files are updated. The new Web directory is memorized for the next update.
You will see that other operations may be scheduled the first time setting to manage more complexes sites.
Invisible inactive buttons
Inactive buttons are always made invisible. If its picture is not self explatory, move the cursor on it to read a tool tip. Almost areas have one and it is useful to see them one time when beginning.
Colours are intensively used to personalize screens. You may set them with global parameters.
Browsing background colours
Two background colors are used to differenciate the 2 senses of the main stream : uploading and downloading.
The first function of the software is to update the WEB , copying from the local hard disk to the Web. Perhaps, some of the Internet files, like modified databases must be downloaded. It is the normal sense of the stream and background is blue.
Sometimes, you may need to get the Internet directory listing, to download files or to empty the Internet folder. To do that, you must click on 'Danger', and background color changes to red or pink, indicating the new stream sense, and giving access to the dangerous buttons. To return to the previous state, click on the 'end danger' button.
BE CAREFUL THAT IN THE VERSION 2.7.0, GLOBAL IMPORT IS MADE FROM THE INTERNET FOLDER TO THE ALTERNATE LOCAL FOLDER, WITHOUT ERASING ITS PREVIOUS CONTENTS. This preserves from hasardous operation on the main local folder, and allows to reflect a complete disk through FTP. If you need a perfect image, empty the alternate local folder before the download.
Folders as documents
The documents are folders .
You find them in the installation folder, near '0 0systeme' or '0 stars end' , those non beginning with '0 ' ( zero + space ).
You can remove or rename them, but, only those, which are in the installation folder, are active.
Misc Usages
The main use of AblyFTP is to update web sites by FTP. But you can use it to build any folder project, like cdRom or floppy software distribution.
AblyCDBuilder is another tool from Programmeurs Reunis who seems to AblyFTP without FTP but includes introduction shell, index, search softwares and some sources for Visual C++ 5.0 .
AblyDir from Programmeurs Reunis, a super light version of AblyFTP to register floppies and CD files lists. AblyFTP may do that too. Next version will include a search function in all the remote directories.
AblyFTP may be used as a download tool. It is not its goal but you may need to build a personnal mirror of some famous site. Don't forget that all well configured Web browsers are able to download and upload FTP files. AblyFTP tries to give extra features and to make Web sites updates easy and error free.